1. Top definition
      Score some booty.
      Hey, did u get some or not? You were in there for like an hour!
      by Brockman September 15, 2003
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      Jul 6 Word of the Day
      Phrase meaning that a deceased cannot rest in peace until society changes due to the circumstances of a death.
      People said rest in power for the unarmed man had been shot by the police.
      by FooBarBiz October 12, 2017
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      Used as if to get some sex, or get some action.
      "Hey are you going to get some tonight from that hott chick?"
      by gxghxfg November 14, 2007
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      to receive something well, whether it be sex, money, victory, or something else
      I finished that test in 10 minutes; I got some!
      by Steve February 25, 2005
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      a phrase meaning simply do what you got to do when you got to do it, usually it is associated with sex. "Getting some" could apply to anything that requires great effort in the form of physical or mental strain. When used properly it is the ultimate motivation and really a way of saying be yourself and give it your best. May be a trigger word to go rey rey.
      i was doing homework long hours into the night and felt like quiting, then i told myself "get some!" and was able to finish quickly
      by rey train November 14, 2006
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      Refering to

      a) sex "get some pussy"

      b) fighting "get some of my fist"
      I love that scene in the helicopter in full metal jacket where that guy is shooting them saying "GET SOME! GET SOME!"
      by Gumba Gumba April 14, 2004
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